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Thursday, July 07, 2011

Brain's Base Studio (2 of 2) - Durarara

Finally, the follow up and concluding post for the two part series on Brain's Base Studio brings us to Durarara. The anime is also based on the same writer for Baccano, Ryogo Narita and obviously the animation studio was the same, so I was expecting some quality material, and this did not disappoint.
A few of  many characters of Durarara
shown here

The plot, much like Baccano, revolves around a simple person or event, but we also get to view the adventures or misadventures of many other characters. The anime first premiered in January of 2010 and ended in August 2010 on a 26 episode series. Durarara revolves around Mikado Ryūgamine, a young boy who always longed for life in the big city and is given the chance to, in Ikebukura, Tokyo. He also meets up with his childhood friend Kida Masomi. Kida, already familiar with Ikebukura, shows Mikado around the city and some people such as the violent bartender, and the owner of the sushi shop. There is also an urban legend called the "Black Rider" within Ikebukura, and Mikado witnesses this legend the first day he arrives in the city.

Many more characters and plot elements come into play and in a way, all these events and characters will come together and intersect, forming a larger plot. As you can probably guess, I was very pleased with this series, much like Baccano.

I do not own or take credit for all of the above images , if you would like them to be taken down, please message me.

If you watched Durarara, what is your opinion on it? Any more anime by Brain's Base Studio or Ryogo Narita you can recommend?


Daily Car Reviews said...

lol thats nice!


I loved Baccano - might have to check this out

GMizzle said...

i gotta see this

Asty said...

read a bunch of the manga, good series so far

minecraft129 said...

I don't read too much manga, other then what my friends let me borrow, and i can't think of anything off the top of my head right now :P

The Onion Gypsy said...

will check it out, good post!

braumaman said...

Adding this to my To Do list.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post, might check it out sometime! +1

Anonymous said...

I watched the first 10 episodes while it was airing, but forgot to finish. I'll pick it up again in the future, I did like it, especially Celty.

Chain said...

Is this an anime?

tamezisclutch said...

Just might check it out thanks. +1

A said...

I have a friend that watches this but there's no way that I've been able to get into it.

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